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Baby Dedication Form

Congratulations on your desire to Dedicate your Child to the Lord!

This is an important matter and NLC is excited to assist you.

Baby/Child Dedication ceremonies are conducted by request. For new babies, this is usually done within 6-8 weeks of the child being born. Please contact the church office to discuss possible dates for a Baby/Child Dedication. The church office number is (718) 342-7641; the hours are Tuesday through Friday between 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Private appointments with Archbishop Rochford may not be necessary prior to a Baby/Child Dedication ceremony. But IF you feel you have questions concerning the significance of this event, OR you feel you cannot honestly answer “yes” to ALL the questions you will be asked OR if you have questions about how a baby dedication is different than an infant baptism, please feel free to call the church office, and request to schedule an appointment with Overseer Barney L. Kirton, Archbishop Rochford’s Chief Adjutant.

A Child Dedication Form is to be filled out and turned into the church office on or before the 2 weeks prior to the scheduled Child Dedication service, which are performed on fourth Sundays after morning worship service.

During the worship service, Archbishop Rochford will invite all parents/guardians and the children they are dedicating to come to the front of the sanctuary. The child will be introduced to the congregation, and a scripture verse will be read.

Archbishop will ask all the parents/guardians present the following questions as a group

In presenting your children for dedication to the Lord, do you confess your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?

Response: I do.

Do you understand…

…Your child is a gift from God?

Response: I do.

…Your child must see God’s love and truth lived out in your life day by day?

Response: I do.

…You must consistently pray for your child’s spiritual growth and protection for the rest of your life?

Response: I do.

…A healthy marriage relationship with each other is vital to the emotional and spiritual well being of your child?

Response: I do.

Do you promise to affirm this child in their obedience and show your love for them by disciplining them when they are disobedient?

Response: I do.

Do you promise to do your best to faithfully* attend church with your child and will you seek to lead your child to a personal faith* in Jesus Christ?

Response: I do.

(*) Please note: If you cannot honestly make this commitment at this time, we would request that you call and schedule a meeting with Arbishop Rochford/Overseer Barney L. Kirton prior to scheduling your child for dedication.

Archbishop will then pray the following prayer of dedication, “On the basis of the word of God and the holy resolve of these parents, guardians and god-parents, we joyfully commend them and their children and the entire church to Christ for his enabling as we attempt to raise his children to know him and love him. Amen”.

**There is a $100 donation/administration fee requested. PLEASE CMPLETE THE FORM BELOW, AND RETURN IT TO THE OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.

In His service,

Althea Townes

Administrative Assistant


Archbishop Robert J. Rochford

New Life Cathedral & Dunamis Covenant Connection

Episcopal Headquarters

110 Junius Street

Brooklyn, New York 11212

Office: (718) 342-7641 x102

Fax: (718) 922-7935




“Reaching & Transforming Our Generation Through The Power Of God”

Dedication Request Form

Please turn into the church office two weeks prior to Dedication Service

Does mother attend New Life Cathedral option
Is mother/guardian a born again Christian?
Does father attend New Life Cathedral
Is father/guardian a born again Christian?
Who will participate in the Child Dedication Ceremony?
Because of the spiritual nature of the questions asked during the Child Dedication Ceremony, it is helpful for Bishop Rochford to understand the marital and living situation of both parents/guardians. Which of the following best describes the parent’s/guardians marital and living situation?
Home/Phone information for
Home/Phone information for
Home/Phone information for

Thanks for submitting!

Call Us: (718) 342-7641


Add: 110 Junius St, Brooklyn, NY 11212

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